Czech Insults

Czech Swearing English Translation
Ty debile zasranej You shitty idiot
Do prdele! Fuck! (lit. Into the ass)
Hovno Shit
Prsa Tits
Pindour Dick
Curak Cock
Pica Pussy
Kravo zasrana You fucking bitch (lit. You fucking cow)
Zmrde zkurvenej You fucking son of a bitch
Zkurvysyne Son of a bitch
Kurva! Fuck!
Kurva drát! Bloody hell!
Debil(e) (You) Dickwad!
Jdi do prdele! Fuck you! (lit. Go to the ass)
Jdi do hajzlu! Fuck you! (lit. Go to the toilet bowl)
Ty curaku! You prick!
Srac Wimp, coward (lit. Shitter)
Kokot Shithead
Kunda Cunt
Posrat Fuck up; a disaster
Jsi v hajzlu You are fucked up
Polib mi prdel Kiss my ass
Teplous Faggot, gay
Kozy Tits
Cecky Nipples, Tits
Devka Whore
Kurva Slut, Bitch
Krava Bitch (lit. Cow - strong insult to a woman)
Cubka Bitch (lit. Bitch - female dog)
Vyser si voko! Fuck off! (lit. Shit out your eye!)
Neser me! Don’t piss me off!
Kripl Crock
Blbec Flathead
Pitomec Bonehead
Ubozak Loser
Mamrd Motherfucker
Buzerant Faggot
Zasranec Shithead
Hlavoun Idiot
Iqvac Idiot
Blbecek Little idiot
Pitomec Idiot
Vlez mi na hrb Climb on my back (fuck off)
Jdi se vycpat Go stuff yourself (fuck off)
Zmrd Jerk-off
Polib dlazbu Kiss the sidewalk
Skoc do zdi Jump into a wall
Vyliz mi prdel Lick my ass
Tlustoprd Fat-ass
Neoxiduj tu! Go away! (lit. “don’t oxidize here”)
Sprt Nerd
Lempl A lazy person
Zavri tlamu Shut your muzzle
Zmetku! Cripple!
Srac Coward
Posera Coward
Jdi se vymrskat do Zoo Jerk-off in the Zoo
Pamrd Father fucker
Nedomrd Someone who is retarded/not fully capable
Cucák Sucker
Vyser si voko! Shit your eye! (Go fuck yourself!)
Zruda Freak
Di do vole prdele vole debile vole! Fuck off! (Lit. Go to fucking arse you dickward jerk!)
Ses posral v kine? Are you kidding me? (Lit. Did you shit in the cinema?)
Co to blejes? Are you kidding me? / I can’t understand you! (Lit. What are you vomiting?)
Vul Jerk
Picha zmrzla Frozen cunt
Tahni do prdele, ty kurvo zasrana Go to hell, you fucking bitch (lit. Be gone to the ass, you fucking slut)