Egyptian Arabic Insults

Egyptian Arabic Swearing English Translation
Yabn El Mara Om Kus We Nus Son of the woman with a pussy and a half
Koss Deen Omak Motherfuck Your Religion (extremely insulting, as are all swears involving Islam)
Ta’ala Musso Come and suck (my dick)
Yabn El Zanya Illegitimate son
Yabn El Mara El Mitnaka Son of the woman that was fucked
Zobry Fe Teezak My Cock in your ass (to a man)
Zobry Fe Teezik My Cock in your ass (to a woman)
Zobry Fe Kussik My Cock in your pussy
Ma Teegy A’huttu Hoolik? Come here and let me put it in you (to a woman)
Ma Teegy Aneekik? Come let me fuck you (to a woman)
Ma Teegy Aneekak? Come let me fuck you (to a man)
Ta’ala Elhass Kussy Come lick my pussy (to a man)
Ta’aly Elhassy Kussy Come lick my pussy (to a woman)
Ta’aly Mussy Zobry Come suck my cock (to a woman)
Ta’ala Mus Zobry Come suck my cock (to a man)
Ta’ala Elhass Teezy Come, lick my ass (to a man)
Ta’aly Elhassy Teezy Come, lick my ass (to a woman)
Yel’an Koss Omak Curse Your Mother’s Pussy
Yabn El Wiskha You son of a dirty woman
Omak Sharmoota Your mother is a whore
Abook Sharmoot Your dad is a man-whore
Ana Haneek Omak We Abook I’m going to fuck your mom and your dad
Yel’an Abu Omak Curse your granddaddy
Teezak Hamra Your ass is red
Kussik Helw Your pussy is nice
Kussik Zay El Assal Your pussy is like honey
Zobrak Kibeer Awy Your cock is really big
Zobrak Sughayar Awy Your cock is really small
Ta’ala Shim Teezy Come, smell my ass (to a man)
Khaboor Fe Teezak A stick in your ass
Alf Zobr Fe Teezak A thousand cocks in your ass
Alf Zobr Fe Kussik A thousand cocks in your pussy