Amelia Sach and Annie Walters: The Baby Farmers of Murder

Amelia Sach and Annie Walters were two notorious British serial killers active in the early 20th century. Their heinous acts of murdering infants under the guise of adoption or fostering services earned them the chilling nickname, “The Finchley Baby Farmers.” The duo’s dark deeds have been etched into the annals of criminal history, not only for their brutality but also for the twisted business they created. In this article, we explore their lives, the details of their crimes, and the aftermath that led to their ultimate downfall.


Amelia Sach and Annie Walters were born in the late 19th century in England. Both women came from working-class backgrounds and had little formal education. They first crossed paths in 1902, when Sach hired Walters as a domestic servant. Their shared disdain for the prevailing societal norms and a keen understanding of the desperate circumstances many unwed mothers faced led them to concoct a sinister plan.

The Crimes

In the early 1900s, unmarried women who became pregnant were often shunned by society, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation. Sach and Walters recognized this and devised a scheme to prey on these desperate women. They advertised their services as professional baby farmers, offering to adopt or find homes for unwanted infants in exchange for a fee.

Once the mothers entrusted their babies to Sach and Walters, the duo would quickly murder the innocent infants. Walters would typically administer a lethal dose of chlorodyne, a mixture of alcohol, morphine, and chloroform, to the infants. The women would then dispose of the tiny bodies in various ways, including dumping them in the River Thames or burying them in unmarked graves.

Discovery and Investigation

The gruesome operation went undetected for nearly two years, with the duo successfully killing an estimated 12-20 infants. However, their luck ran out in November 1902, when Walters carelessly discarded the body of a baby boy in the Thames. The infant’s corpse was discovered by a bargeman who alerted the authorities. Upon examination, the police found traces of chlorodyne in the baby’s system.

The police swiftly launched an investigation, leading them to Walters and subsequently to Sach. In Walters’ residence, the police discovered letters from desperate mothers who had entrusted their babies to the duo, which provided concrete evidence of their guilt. The women were arrested and charged with multiple counts of murder.

Trial and Execution

The trial of Amelia Sach and Annie Walters took place in January 1903 at the Old Bailey in London. The sensational case attracted widespread attention, with newspapers eagerly covering every aspect of the proceedings. The prosecution presented a damning case, outlining the women’s motives, methods, and the evidence found during the investigation.

Sach and Walters were found guilty of murder, and the jury recommended no mercy for the cold-blooded killers. They were both sentenced to death, with the judge stating that their crimes were “almost too horrible to be described.” On February 3, 1903, Amelia Sach and Annie Walters were executed by hanging at Holloway Prison, marking the first time two women were executed together in the United Kingdom since 1708.


The shocking case of Amelia Sach and Annie Walters served as a stark reminder of the brutal reality faced by many unwed mothers in the early 20th century. Their heinous crimes further highlighted the vulnerability of these women and the desperate measures they were forced to take to secure a future for their children. The case also prompted a public outcry for improved social welfare services for unwed mothers and their children.

Today, Amelia Sach and Annie Walters’ names are synonymous with the chilling term “baby farmers,” a dark reminder of the lengths some individuals will go to exploit and profit from human misery. Their crimes continue to serve as a cautionary tale and a somber reflection on a time in history when society’s disregard for the plight of unwed mothers allowed such atrocities to occur.

Reform and Change

In the wake of the trial and execution of Sach and Walters, public opinion in Britain began to shift, with a growing awareness of the need for social reform to address the issues faced by unwed mothers and their children. This was, in part, due to the sensational media coverage that exposed the desperate circumstances that led these women to entrust their infants to the likes of Sach and Walters.

The case spurred discussions on the importance of providing support for single mothers, leading to the establishment of maternity homes, orphanages, and adoption agencies that prioritized the welfare of the children. The British government also began to regulate and inspect baby farming operations more closely, making it harder for unscrupulous individuals to prey on vulnerable women.

Over time, societal attitudes towards unwed mothers began to evolve, and the stigma surrounding illegitimate children gradually faded. This shift was accompanied by the introduction of social welfare programs and services that provided much-needed support to single-parent families. These changes helped to create a more compassionate and inclusive society, in which the vulnerable were less likely to be exploited.


The case of Amelia Sach and Annie Walters is a chilling reminder of the darkness that can lurk beneath the surface of seemingly ordinary lives. The duo’s crimes were a horrifying exploitation of the most vulnerable members of society – innocent infants and their desperate mothers. Their actions prompted a wave of change in public opinion and ultimately led to the introduction of much-needed social reforms.

Today, as we reflect on the lives and crimes of Amelia Sach and Annie Walters, it is essential to remember the broader context of their actions and the societal conditions that allowed them to thrive. By doing so, we can better understand the importance of providing support to the most vulnerable members of our communities and remain vigilant against those who would seek to exploit them for personal gain.